Monday, February 23, 2009

Kids say the darndest things............

These are pictures of Ella's friend Diane from our church. She is actually a friend of the whole family, but Ella has claimed her as HER friend. Diane even invited Ella to her 18th Birthday Party. So sweet. Our church is so blessed to have Diane and many of her family and friends. They are refugees from the Congo and each one has amazingly tragic, yet uplifting life stories.
Ella and Diane are just too cute together and Ella had soooooooo much fun having her over for dinner. She has always wanted to show Diane her room and all her toys. Ella also shared with her friend EXACTLY how she came into this world. Ella was showing her a photo album from when she was a baby and said "Adeline got cut out of Mommy's belly, but I came out of her crotch. Right, Mommy?" (She had a big, proud smile on her face) All I could say was, "Yes, sweetie, you are right."

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Sister comparison

Ella and Adeline at 5 months old with drool on their chins.

Adeline and Ella sitting up at 5 months old.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Adeline is 5 months old

  • Adeline turned 5 months old yesterday.
  • She finally rolled ALL THE WAY OVER in both directions on Thursday. Ella and I were so proud that we started cheering and dancing so much that we startled our sweet Adeline.
  • She can sit up unsupported for about 10 seconds.
  • She is sleeping in her own room.
  • She smiles and smiles and smiles all day long.
  • She loves books and helps turn the pages during our storytimes.
  • She drools a lot.
  • She likes to "draw" with Ella and wants to do everything else her Big Sister does.
  • She giggles when I do a very obnoxious, over-exaggerated laugh.
  • I squeeze her chubby cheeks a lot.
  • Ella sings lullabies to her.
  • She is growing up so fast and I am trying to take in every precious moment.