Saturday, November 8, 2008

Big Sister=Big Helper

Adam's mom got Adeline taking Mommy's Milk from a bottle when she was here and after she left, we needed a new helper. Ella loves feeding Adeline her bottle. Adeline loves it too. Ella is such a big helper. She holds, rocks and plays with her baby. She opens her diaper so I can change it. She brings me anything I need (wipes, diaper, pacifier, my water). She sings lullabies to Adeline. Ella loves to get herself dressed in the morning and helps me make meals. She ROCKS!!


TnTnPnR said...

Way to go Ella!!! We are so proud of you!

sdbross said...

Thanks for your call today. I have recovered from Cotlet sickness. Anna was a real pill when we stopped for dinner, something about her tummy hurting - it took a couple more hours before the candy wore off!