Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I am feeling so very grateful today. Maybe it's the blue sky that has me feeling so good. I don't know, but my heart is just filled with joy today. I am so thankful that I get to stay at home with our sweet girls. It is the most challenging and rewarding thing I've ever done. I am so blessed. It is the little things that mean so much and I often overlook. My husband has a job. We have a home. Our kids are healthy. I get to experience nearly every moment of their lives. God has truly blessed us and continues to.


Jilene said...

you are so sweet. as hard as it is, I totally agree with you and know that my efforts are going to pay off. keep up the good work. BTW, are you getting into a weekly meeting? Maybe I can watch Ella for you on Tuesdays so you can go to a meeting. You could leave Adeline too, but it may be just as easy to take her. let me know what you think!

TnTnPnR said...

What a great blog Nat! You are truly blessed to have such a wonderful and healthy family. Enjoy every second with them!